Europe book published today!

The Europe 2038 book “Young Peoples’ Visions and Worries for the Future of Europe: Findings from the Europe 2038 Project” (Editors: Dagmar Strohmeier & Harriet Tenenbaum) was published today!
Based on the findings in the seven countries, evidence-based recommendations for policy, practice and intervention are summarized in the book.
More infos regarding the book:

“Europe 2038”: A project serving the society

On February 14, 2019, the project Europe 2038 was presented as representative activity of the Center of Research on Developmental and Educational Dynamics (Centro di Ricerca delle Dinamiche Evolutive ed Educative C.R.I.d.e.e., Catholic University), during the public event The Third Mission of Universities: opportunities and challenges, organized by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (campus of Milan, Italy). During the event, particular relevance has been given to the recent publication of the project monograph Young People’s Visions and Worries for the Future of Europe, edited by Dagmar Strohmeier & Harriet Tenenbaum (publisher; Taylor & Francis; Routledge), which presents the outcomes of the Europe 2038 project.

Members of European Parliament discuss “Europe 2038”

On December 1, 2017 at the “Casa della Psicologia” (Piazza Castello 2, Milan, Italy) the Italian results of the “Europe 2038” project will be presented during the public meeting “EUROPE 2038: Young people’s visions on the future of the European Union”.

The meeting was organized by the Lombardy Regional Board of Psychology and the Milan Information Offices of the European Parliament. Talkers in the meeting will be Bruno Marasá (head of the Milan Information Offices of the European Parliament), Riccardo Bettiga (President of the Lombardy Regional Board of Psychology), Simona Caravita (Italian team leader of the “Europe 2038” project), Anna Catasta (President of the Centro di Iniativa Europea organization).

Aktviteti i shumëfishtë në Shqipëri

Rezultatet e studimit “Evropa 2038” u prezantuan në një aktivitet të organizuar në Fakultetin e Shkencave Sociale ku morën pjesë student, organizata të rinisë, punonjës socialë të shkollave, media dhe pëfaqësues nga Ministria e Mirëqënies Sociale dhe Rinisë. Anëtarët e projektit Edmond Dragoti dhe Rudina Rama prezantuan dhe diskutuan me pjesëmarrësit gjetjet e studimit.
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